Thursday, January 6, 2011

Growing Potatoes

Growing Potatoes
This is a short guide to planting and growing potatoes, as well as general potato information.


Kulkuri said...

Last summer UP on the Tundra I had good luck with potatoes. I bought a riding mower with a bagger and used the grass clippings to mulch the garden. The biggest spuds were close to where I had the sprinkler for watering. The combination of mulch and watering worked well as the garden is fairly sandy and doesn't stay moist.

Tracy said...

Around here we have to compost the clippings for awhile; otherwise they get too hot and burn the plants.
I tried the trick of growing spuds in stacked tires, where you keep adding tires to the stack as the plant grows. Didn't work; the black tires gathered too much heat from the sun.

Kulkuri said...

UP on the Tundra I've used stacked tires to grow tomatoes and watermelon.