Saturday, April 7, 2012

How To Remain Silent (Open Carry)

This is how it's done. You can tell the cops didn't like it, and really wanted to push the encounter and make it a lot bigger deal than it needed to be. After all, what else do they have to do? It's not a hassle at all, to them. I think some cops sometimes forget (or don't care) that private citizens have better things to do than hang around and play twenty questions with them. Whenever anyone posts a video like this, there are always people (cops and cop "groupies," mostly) who comment about people being "rude and obnoxious" to cops while standing for their rights. The problem is that in a huge percentage of cases, cops have pushed the issue well beyond what is even legal. Those "obnoxious" people have brought the issue to the attention of the general public, with the result that police departments must address the issue with their officers to ward off lawsuits. As noted above, you can tell these cops don't like it, especially the contacting officer. You can see it in his somewhat condescending attitude. But you can also tell that the issue has been addressed with their department, which is why they didn't force the issue. The guy with the camera did just right. If he had answered even one simple question, that would have made it a consensual contact. That makes it an official contact, and he would then have to follow the rules of the jurisdiction for official contacts: show ID, etc. A lot of people don't realize this, hence you hear questions like "what can it hurt to answer a couple of simple questions to allay the cop's concerns?" Notice: I am not a lawyer, and this does not constitute legal advice. Jurisdictions vary; check the laws in your own area. Maybe even print them out and carry them with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is some seriously freaked out Gestapo. I wonder how many real crimes went unattended while they attempted to intimidate a citizen with a camera.