Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Urho's Day!

The legend of St. Urho says chased the grasshoppers out of ancient Finland, thus saving the grape crop and the jobs of Finnish vineyard workers. He did this by uttering the phrase: "Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä hiiteen" (roughly translated: "Grasshopper, grasshopper, go to Hell!"). His feast is celebrated by wearing the colors Royal Purple and Nile Green. St. Urho is nearly always represented with grapes and grasshoppers as part of the picture.

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Kulkuri said...

You misspelled Urho in the title of your post. Other than that you got it right. I have a bobblehead doll of St. Urho holding a pitchfork with a grasshopper speared on the pitchfork.

Tracy said...

Oops! Ok, I fixed it.

Shy Wolf said...

LOL, Tracy- being from the neck o' the woods where St Urho was created in 1966, I guess I can agree with you a bit. LOL- funny how everyone is so damn jealous of the Irish they even have to make up a saint to play catch-up!

Anonymous said...

I wish the folks in dc would go to hiiteen.

Don said...

All this happy crap about someone who may or may not have done anything and who may of may not have seen anything or borne anything!